Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ohh Burn!

So I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I work at school. I'm a note taker - meaning I take notes for specific people those who need extra help.

Today when I came into one of the classes I note take for, there was a camera crew in. Apparently they were going to film the presentations for the fashion students' project "Trash to Fash." They take trash and recycle it to make wearable goods.

Anyway, the director was setting up and asked the girl next to me if she wanted to be on camera and that chick said no. Then the director looks me up and down for a moment, and then walks away without a word.

Man what a burn. I guess I stick out as a MAA student. :) Yay me.

On another note, midterms next week! Projects will own me for the weekend.

By the way, I'm turning this into my personal blog and from now on will be posting my artwork at instead.


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