The week of finals is equivalent to the week of no sleep, fast food, projects and deadlines.
After sleeping at 3am today and waking up at 6:40, it is safe to say that I have begun finals week as it should; that is, barely sleeping the first Monday in order to be completely tweaked while at school. Our friends last night had the absolute audacity to stay until 2am. In all actuality, I cannot recall anything that we really did. I just know it involved four pizzas, six people, attempts to do projects, watching YouTube and lots of laughs.
Having had the first of my finals today, I can happily say that I did poorly on the written part of my Computer Applications exam. Unfortunately, the left side of my brain doesn't function correctly, therefore leaving me to swim helpless to figure what "percent sales" means. I was, however, not the only one to do badly because the highest grade on the scantron part of our class was 83%. It's a good thing that we're here for things besides knowing how to function the hopeless design of Microsoft's newest version of its software.
The nudity that usually bestows me on Monday afternoons in my Drawing and Anatomy class was absent today. Therefore, we were forced to draw from pictures rather than a real model, which more difficult than needed. My hope is that the rendered image I made (left) for the final of will boost my grade to an A. (Please note I did NOT create the design. I copied the picture from another and rendered it. Original picture here:
And did I mention it rained? The people who say it rains only once a year in San Diego are r-tards because it rained today, again. At least I was able to hobo a ride off of someone, which got me home around 4pm, allowing me lots of time to sleep until now (however my entire sleeping schedule is off now considering my class tomorrow isn't until 1pm). With my free Mountain Dew, given by the SHAC who encourages us to stay awake for five days straight by giving us free energy drinks, I can now return to my Ramen and hotdogs in which is now done. It is time to feast.
Tomorrow I shall be Paris Hilton in pink. With luck, we'll be able to film our act, and I will be able to share a little piece of Acting and Movement with you.
- From the one who couldn't find the medium pot to make "saimen" (silly Hawaiians)
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